This shortcode is used to automatically add one or more products to a WooCommerce shopping cart and send the user directly to the checkout page.
This shortcode does NOT supports conditional branching with [ELSE_quick_checkout].
Shortcode nesting is NOT supported.
autorun | If set to yes, the shortcode will execute without waiting for user input. This can be useful in certain cases, such as including a link in an email sending the user to a specific page where the product(s) will be added to the cart and sent directly to the checkout page. Default: no. Required: no. |
link_text | The text that should be displayed for the link. Default: “Click here to submit” Required: no. |
link_style | Any inline style you want to apply to the link. Default: none. Required: no. |
button_text | The text that should be displayed in the button. Default: none . Required: no. |
button_image | The HTTP/URL path to the image of your choice. Default: none Required: yes, if “buttontext” is not used.. |
button_style | Any inline style you want to apply to the button image or HTML button. Default: none. Required: no. |
p{product_id} | Product ID’s are defined by using the letter ‘p’ followed by the product ID itself. If provided without specifying a quantity, quantity will default to 1. If a product ID refers to a non-existing product, it will be ignored. Product variations are not supported. The shortcode checks for “permissions” and ensures that only those products that a user or visitor is allowed to purchased are used. If none of the given products are allowed, the shortcode doesn’t display a link or button. Default: none. Required: yes, at least one product must be given. |
[mbr_quick_checkout p345]
When the link or button is clicked, it will add product 345 to the shopping cart with a quantity of 1 and will redirect the user to the checkout page.
[mbr_quick_checkout p345='3']
When the link or button is clicked, it will add product 345 to the shopping cart with a quantity of 3 and will redirect the user to the checkout page.
[mbr_quick_checkout p345 p456]
When the link or button is clicked, it will add products 345 and 456 to the shopping cart, each with a quantity of 1 and will redirect the user to the checkout page.
[mbr_quick_checkout p345 p456='3']
When the link or button is clicked, it will add products 345 and 456 to the shopping cart, with a quantity of 1 for product 345 and 3 for product 456 and will redirect the user to the checkout page.
[mbr_quick_checkout p345 link_text='Buy Now!']
A link will be generated with the label “Buy Now!”. When the link is clicked, it will add product 345 to the shopping cart with a quantity of 1 and will redirect the user to the checkout page.
[mbr_quick_checkout p345 button_text='Buy Now!']
A button will be generated with the label “Buy Now!”. When the button is clicked, it will add product 345 to the shopping cart with a quantity of 1
[mbr_quick_checkout p345 button_image='']
A button will be generated using the image found at the specified location.. When the button is clicked, it will add product 345 to the shopping cart with a quantity of 1
[mbr_quick_checkout p345 autorun='yes']
As soon as the user lands on the page, ActiveMember360 will add product 345 to the shopping cart with a quantity of 1 and will redirect the user to the checkout page.