
The shortcode will determine how many ActiveCampaign contacts have been assigned a particular tag and will display the number.

This shortcode does NOT support conditional branching with [ELSE_contact_count].
Shortcode nesting is NOT supported.


Tag ID’s vs. tag names:
We encourage the use of tag ID’s over tag names. Unless a tag is deleted, its tag ID can be considered persistent. Tag names, on the other hand, can be changed any time. Using a tag name that has been changed can lead your shortcode, hook or module to no longer work as expected.
tag_id The Id of the tag used as the basis for this operation.
Default: none.
Required: yes, if no tag_name provided.
tag_name The name of the tag used as the basis for this operation.
Default: none.
Required: yes, if no tag_id provided.
thousands_sep Thousands separator.
Default: none.
Required: no.


Will display the number of contacts who have assigned the tag id “123”, e.g. 5023.

[mbr_contact_count tag_id='123']

Will display the number of contact who have assigned either the tag id “123” or the tag name “My Tag Name”, e.g. 6188.

[mbr_contact_count tag_id='123' tag_name='My Tag Name']

Will display the number of contacts who have assigned the tag name “My Tag Name” with “.” (DOT) as the thousands separator, e.g. 7.122.

[mbr_contact_count tag_name='My Tag Name' thousands_sep='.']


There is currently no ActiveMember360 API function equivalent for this shortcode.