Orders are automatically created upon purchase of a product/subscription or when signing up for a subscription with trial days.

Order Overview

Payments Extension Orders 1

  1. Click on “Orders” in the ActiveMember360 menu in the left-hand menu sidebar.
  2. This is the order id, a non-subsequential number.
  3. The customer’s email address.
  4. The order date.
  5. The last update of the order, in case of a subscription, this could be the date of the lasted recurring payment. On a product, it could be the date of a refund.
  6. The payment/transaction type. “stripe (test)” or “stripe (live)”.
  7. The order total incl. taxes.
  8. The payment status.
    For one-time products:

    • Paid
    • Pending
    • Failed
    • Refunded
    • Part. refunded

    For subscriptions:

    • Active
    • Pending
    • Paused (after a failed payment)
    • Cancelled
    • Cancelled at period end
    • Trialing
  9. Click on a “order id” to open it.

Order Details

Once you clicked on a specific order, you’ll see a similar screen like below:

Payments Extension Orders 2

  1. The payment status of this order. The various payment statuses are listed above.
  2. The order and billing details.
  3. This link brings you directly to the subscription or payment in your Stripe Account.
  4. The order items (Currently it can only be one item, we may change that in the future).
  5. This link brings you directly to the subscription or product defined in WordPress.
  6. The charge history. For a one-time product, there will be only one, for subscriptions also the recurring payments are listed.
  7. This link opens the invoice to this specific payment in a new browser tab.
  8. This link appears only if a refund to this payment has been made. Clicking the link will open the refund receipt in a new browser tab.
  9. The refund history to this order.


After you clicked a invoice link, you’ll see a similar screen like below:

Payments Extension Invoice 1

  1. Invoice ID including prefix.
  2. Your company address.
  3. Your company logo.
  4. Your customer’s billing address.
  5. Order details, like order date, your VAT ID, Invoice ID and amount.
  6. The order item details with net price.
  7. Net total, sales tax and order total.
  8. Additional notes.
You can completely customize your invoice, learn how to do it here.

Refund Receipt

After you clicked a refund receipt link, you’ll see a similar screen like below:

Payments Extension Refund Receipt 1

  1. Invoice ID including prefix to which the refund applies.
  2. Your company address.
  3. Your company logo.
  4. Your customer’s billing address.
  5. Order details, like order date, your VAT ID, Invoice ID and amount.
  6. The order item details with net price.
  7. Net total, sales tax and order total.
  8. All refunds on this payment.
  9. Additional notes.
You can completely customize your refund receipt, learn how to do it here.