
This shortcode returns an HTML link list of pages.

This shortcode does NOT support conditional branching with [ELSE_page_list].
Shortcode nesting is NOT supported.


authors Comma-separated list of author IDs.
Default: none. (all authors)
Required: no.
child_of Display only the sub-pages of a single page by ID.
Default: 0. (all pages)
Required: no.
date_format PHP date format to use for the listed pages. Relies on the ‘show_date’ parameter.
Default: blogs date format setting.
Required: no.
depth Number of levels in the hierarchy of pages to include in the generated list. Accepts -1 (any depth), 0 (all pages), 1 (top-level pages only), and n (pages to the given n depth).
Default: 0.
Required: no.
exclude Comma-separated list of page IDs to exclude.
Default: none.
Required: no.
include Comma-separated list of page IDs to include.
Default: none.
Required: no.
link_after Text or HTML to follow the page link label.
Default: none.
Required: no.
link_before Text or HTML to precede the page link label.
Default: none.
Required: no.
post_type Post type to query for.
Default: page.
Required: no.
post_status Comma-separated list of post statuses to include.
Default: publish.
Required: no.
show_date Whether to display the page publish or modified date for each page. Accepts ‘modified’ or any other value.
Default: none.
Required: no.
sort_column Comma-separated list of column names to sort the pages by. Accepts ‘post_author’, ‘post_date’, ‘post_title’, ‘post_name’, ‘post_modified’, ‘post_modified_gmt’, ‘menu_order’, ‘post_parent’, ‘ID’, ‘rand’, or ‘comment_count’.
Default: post_title.
Required: no.
title_li List heading. Passing a null or empty value will result in no heading, and the list will not be wrapped with unordered list <ul> tags.
Default: Pages.
Required: no.


[mbr_page_list depth=0 show_date='true']


There is currently no ActiveMember360 API function equivalent for this shortcode.