
This shortcode was introduced in version 1.2.18. Please ensure that you are running version 1.2.18 or later.

This shortcode returns a form through which a member can update his/her ActiveCampaign contact data. Submitted data will be updated in ActiveCampaign.

The following fields are not allowed and will be ignored: ID, email and password.

This shortcode currently works with ActiveCampaign text input field type.

When used with a user who is not logged in or not present in your ActiveCampaign CRM, the form will not be displayed.

This shortcode does NOT support conditional branching with [ELSE_my_account].
Shortcode nesting is NOT supported.


fields Enter a comma separated list of field names to include in the form. To specify a field form label that is different from the field name, use a “pipe” symbol ( | ) to separate field name from field label.
Default: none.
Required: yes.
label Defines the field label positions. Possible values are “top”, “left” or “placeholder”, to indicate placement above the fields , to the left or as a placeholder, respectively.
Default: top.
Required: no.
min_width Using standard HTML attributes, specifies the minimum width the form may have.
Default: none.
Required: no.
max_width Using standard HTML attributes, specifies the maximum width the form may have.
Default: none.
Required: no.
submit_button_label Specifies which text label to place on the submit button.
Default: “Save”.
Required: no.


Generate a form with two fields: first_name and last_name, using default values for the remaining parameters:

[mbr_my_account fields='first_name,last_name']

Generate a form with two fields: first_name and last_name, specifying alternate field labels and using default values for the remaining parameters:
[mbr_my_account fields='first_name|First Name,last_name|Last Name']

Generate a form with two fields: first_name and last_name, specifying alternate fields labels and using HTML placeholders, using default values for the remaining parameters:
[mbr_my_account label='placeholder' fields='first_name|First Name,last_name|Last Name']

Other examples:
[mbr_my_account label='placeholder' fields='first_name|First Name,last_name|Last Name' max_width='50%']

[mbr_my_account label='placeholder' fields='first_name|First Name,last_name|Last Name' min_width='300px' max_width='400px']

[mbr_my_account label='placeholder' fields='first_name|Primero Nome,last_name|Sobrenome' submit_button_label='Salvar alterações']


There is currently no ActiveMember360 API function equivalent for this shortcode.