ActiveMember360’s mailer extension will automatically replace the “Unsubscribe links” of your mail template, when sent through our mailer extension in a way to point back to your ActiveMember360 site which has sent the email.

The URL to which the unsubscribe link will lead is a custom endpoint followed by a encrypted identifier for your contact, to allow a protected unsubscription of the lists you have defined for earlier for this email template. After the unsubscribe process your contact will be redirected to your earlier defined “Unsubscribe Page” in the mailer extension’s settings.

The redirection will contain a GET parameter called “status” in the query string which tells you if the unsubscribe was process successfully.
On the said page you could use the following shortcode example to give your contact an appropiate message:

[mbr_is_http_get var='status' val='success']
  You're successfully opted out.
  Something went wrong. Your're not opted out. Please get in touch with us.